Based on Knight Frank's newly released Global Super-Prime Intelligence Report, a slowdown in luxury residential sales of properties priced over $10 million occurred across 12 major global cities during the three months leading up to September 2024.
According to property consultant Knight Frank, the Principality of Monaco, with a population of 38,367, is home to around 141 nationalities, all within an area just over half the size of Central Park.
According to, housing prices in Ireland increased by an average of 3.1% nationally during the third quarter of 2024. The typical listed price across the country during this period was €344,848, marking a 6.2% rise compared to the same time last year and a 37% increase since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to Kate Everett-Allen, Head of European Residential Research of Knight Frank, consumer interest in Italy is gaining momentum, with a rise in tourist numbers boosting investment returns for holiday accommodations.