Overall cargo volumes for the Port of Los Angeles increased 11 percent in December, compared to the prior year, a factor that could increase the need of industrial and warehouse space in the west coast.
Imports totaled 322,500 Twenty-Foot Equivalent (TEU) containers in December 2013, increasing 8.63 percent from the 296,874 TEUs the same month the prior year, according to a report from The Port of Los Angeles.
"The increase is due in part to shippers moving cargo in advance of the Chinese New Year, which this year falls on January 31," the report states.
In Europe, logistics demand is expected to grow by 40 to 60 percent by 2030 to accommodate growth in global trade.
Exports in Los Angeles last month totaled 172,261 TEUs, increasing 16.85 percent from the 147,417 TEUs in December 2012.
Factoring in empties for the month, loaded imports and exports totaled 653,358 TEUs, recording an 11.09 percent increase from the 588,154 TEUs recorded in December 2012.