Metrikus, the unique software program that helps users understand and optimise their building's environment, maintenance, usage and health, has launched its 'Dark January' pledge. The pledge has been set up to encourage individuals, landlords, and businesses around the world to reduce energy usage in their offices, starting with the simple act of making sure lights are off when not in use.
Entitled #TurnYourBloodyLightsOff, the campaign is being launched following startling statistics around wasted energy in commercial buildings. According to the US Department of Energy, 30 percent of energy consumed in commercial buildings is wasted energy, whilst energy used to power buildings is responsible for 28 percent of global carbon emissions (World Green Building Council). With the world adding 2 trillion square feet of buildings by 2060 - the equivalent of putting up another New York City every month for the next 40 years (Gates Notes) - the matter is of great urgency.
The Dark January pledge has a focus on collective responsibility for small, personal daily changes and has already received support from Wells Fargo's Climate Strategy and Innovation team, as well as Hammersmith BID.
For individuals, Metrikus has outlined a simple guideline to make a difference. Firstly, always making sure to turn lights off in unoccupied areas; secondly, talking to the facilities or building manager about how the status quo can be changed in regards to existing energy policy; and finally, encouraging colleagues and senior management to sign up and get involved.
With a core company focus on improving building environment and energy usage, Metrikus is excited to begin this journey to bring seismic change in how buildings consume energy, and encourages all business, big or small, to have a Dark January and #TurnYourBloodyLightsOff.
Michael Grant, COO at Metrikus comments:
Michael Grant
"There's no doubt that the energy lighting up our commercial buildings at night comes at too great a price. Behind every arresting Instagram image of a skyline at night comes an appalling waste of energy and money that could be invested in providing a sustainable future.
"We are living in a time of climate change, and the blazing hot days of summer are still fresh in our memory. Added to the cost of living crisis, and cost of doing business crisis, we have created the Dark January pledge to create awareness around just how much damage redundant energy usage is doing to the environment when a few short, cheap and easy steps could be taken to make an enormous difference.
"Metrikus is looking forward to working in partnership with businesses to change the way we view energy usage in our commercial buildings, and we strongly encourage individuals and businesses to take personal and collective responsibility, and #TurnYourBloodyLightsOff!"